Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Needs of living things

What do you need to live comfortably? The list probably includes food, a home, clothes, and water. But, the basic necessities of every living thing includes:

Light and Carbon Dioxide:

All life forms need energy to survive. Living things use energy to grow, to defend themselves, and to move around – this energy is provided by the Sun – the primary source of energy. Plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air to create their own food by photosynthesis. Many animals then eat the plants, taking this energy into their own bodies. Other animals then eat these plant eaters, passing the Sun's energy from one organism to another. The food organisms take in provides them with energy, and also provides them with the resources, and raw materials they need to build up their bodies, grow, and repair damage.


Living things need water to survive. But why is water so important? All life forms on Earth are comprised almost entirely of water. Your own body is about 60-80% water.Water in your blood helps transport food, and chemicals to your cells. It helps remove waste products from your body. Water is used to cool you down, to warm you up, and to carry out the chemical reactions that allow you to move and grow. Another important use of water, is to keep your body clean. Plants use water to grow, to transport food, and to carry out chemical reactions. In addition, plants use water as part of photosynthesis, to create their own food.


Without food, your body would die in a matter of weeks. Without water, you would day in days. How long do you think you would live without oxygen? Most life forms use oxygen as the main ingredient in many of the chemical reactions needed for life. Organisms get oxygen from their environment in a variety of ways. Many land animals breath oxygen directly from the air, while ocean bearing animals often use the oxygen dissolved in the water to survive.


The Earth’s soil contains minerals, which are essential for health and growth. Plants take in minerals through their roots. Animals get minerals by eating plants and/or other animals.


If it gets too hot or cold, the chemical changes which are necessary for life will stop. In many parts of the Earth, temperatures lie between 25 deg Celsius and 30 deg Celsius. Most living things are adapted to live at these temperatures.

The biosphere:

Biosphere is all those parts of the earth’s surface where living things are found. All of the needs we have mentioned so far, energy, food, water, and oxygen are obtained by organisms in their environment, or the space around them.
Living things are found almost everywhere, from about 9000 meters up mountains to at least 5000 meters under the sea.

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