Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Organism of Biology

Group of Organisms Being Studied
Examples of some of the main fields of biology formed using this method of subdivision are:
Botany           The study of plants.
Zoology          The study of animals.
Microbiology   The study of microscopic organisms.
Bacteriology   The study of bacteria.
Virology         The study of viruses.
Mycology        The study of fungi.
Entomology    The study of insects.
Ornithology    The study of birds.
Approaches taken to the Study of organisms
Examples of some of the main fields of biology formed using this second method of subdivision are:
Taxonomy      The classification of organisms.
Morphology    The study of the external form and structure of organisms.
Anatomy        The study of the internal structure of organisms.
Physiology      The study of the function of organisms.
Cytology         The study of cells.
Ecology          The study of the relationship of organisms to their environment.
Genetics         The study of inheritance

Pathology       The study of diseases.

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